Leverage the EVIDENT Platform to engage diverse stakeholders and amplify the influence of your research. Our platform offers a variety of research methodologies.

Questionnaire creation

Leverage a rich selection of question types, from multiple choice and open-ended to rating scales, and elevate your questionnaires with advanced features like skip logic and branching. Create and customize your questionnaires with our user-friendly drag-and-drop editor, giving them a unique touch.

Integration with serious games

EVIDENT Platform seamlessly combines questionnaires with immersive serious games. Studies can be designed to lead users to engage with a serious game, while simultaneously collecting valuable data from their in-game experiences.

Study sharing

Through an easy-to-use interface, you can easily share your study via email, social media, or embed them on your website. This way you can reach a wider audience, engage diverse participants, and fuel your study with the power of social connectivity.

Data collection

EVIDENT Platform streamlines the data collection process, capturing crucial insights from surveys and serious games alike. After users complete a study, all the generated data are collected and stored in various formats.